Sunday, December 19, 2010


ape yg bole wat korunk hepi, senyum slalu????? mst de sstgh org ckp time dpt dating ngan bf la...time dpt shopping la....time g oliday ngan fmly la.....kn2.....mmg btol pun smue 2.... :)
tp kalu ak x ssh antre fvret ak yg le wat ak senyum....hepi n kembalikn mood kalu tgh bad mood

ok.....cheese cake...any kind of cheese cake is my feveret......x pndang len da :)
btw,de kisah yg sgtttttt sweet antre ak ngan cheese cake ni....i will nvr 4get :) 
ohhh...miss dat time so much :(

ice cream...ohhhh...yummyyyyy

ermmmm....sedapppppp nyerrr....i loveee both of the food above damn much....... see dats y i gemoxx... hahahah...ahh,lantak la de ak ksah... ;)

so,x ssh kn nk pujuk ak kalu ak marah ke,majok ke....ko smbat je cheese cake or ice cream, hah senyap la die...hahahahaha... :))))))


you make me smile said...

haha. tau xpe. sweet gler masa kou dapat kek 2. hanya dak2 perdana je tau ape yg ade di dalamnya. kahkah. Sweet gler. Xpe, Smile owez k darl.

Dhiya Razak said...

owhhh mama......hanye ko yg mngrti....cewahhhh... yela....oweyz smile... maceh :)

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